Infinite clarity and murky secrecy - flaunted as much as hidden, which cancels the potential intrigue. AVISE LA FIN. Which can it be? We, all things, must end. But I am this, and I am not, and I am, I am, I am.
I am a little of this and a little of that, a shade toward interest and a twitch toward complacency and a tiny knock of self-awareness-self-confidence-self-essence-self-fear. I am all that you see when I stand before you, but that is only a character in a story I tell about myself. I am tiny rhinestones glued to a piece of unpolished wood. I am the glitter of rain in a rushing flood. I am history forced into present: I am the line of my ancestors unbroken through time since the beginning of life, I am air, I am thunder, I am electricity, I am ozone, I am a dark thing in a dark place, I am memory and I am unbroken, I am a tree, I am a beast, I am fire raining from the sky, I am cautious and I am clever, and I am adventurous and I am forward, and I am many across mountains and many across plains. I am light, I am learning, and I am darkness and I am fear. I am Tougas dit LaViolette, I am the sea, I am the land, I am the fur and the trade. I am Kennedy, I am my grandmothers image and my grandfathers name, I am World War II across the sea in Scotland, I am the mortar shell in her yard, I am without explosion. I am my grandfather in his chair, I am that night he last sat down, I am that darkness. I am my father, I am the cottonmouth in a jar, I am old pictures of nameless faces, I am weary duty and hard-won sleep. I am my mother's childhood, I am lost inside those walls of melancholy loneliness. I am the blood on her clothes, I am her fear and her anxiety, I am the snow that fell around her, I am the dark of night that cradled her and I when we were yet as one, and I her relief when dark night did pass. I am her victory over the demons which hound us all. I am green eyes in an earnest face, I am dark pupils swallowing light as though it will make me whole
I am one among four, one among six, one among thousand, one among million, one among billion, and I am one, I am one, I am one.