Pothead Pictures
I finally found my camera (it was under the recliner) so I was able to take some pictures of the fruits of my labor in Hand-Building Clay
Here are the infamous pinch pots... as you can see, some are better than others... practice makes slightly less lopsided, I guess.
The white/gray ones are stoneware, the brown ones terracotta.

Here are some press-molded plates I made, I have to make a few more before tommorrow. I wasn't supposed to make a stoneware plate but I did anyway just because.

Here is a slab of terracotta that needs to be made into a slab construction before tommorrow if I have any desire to make a good grade... unfortunately it is not yet leather hard and thus will not hold its shape...

Here is some stupid recycled terracotta that I left out all weekend but is still not firm enough to flatten out... you can see where the wood is sucking out all the excess moisture...

And finally, they say that art tends to resemble its creator... what do you guys think?

Oh that lecherous wood--always sucking out excess moisture every chance it gets...
Um... that is to say... Nice pots Paula.
(Crap! Lechery everywhere.)
Thanks, Latigo darling... nice to hear from you again!
Trevor came and saw me about a month ago.We sang Two-Headed Boy, part 1. It was magical.
Well, so we have something in common sweet Paula… for I too have met the mysterious Trevor Record. I took him to a Mexican Restaurant. We ate enchiladas and I had two beers but he didn't have any because his ID said he wasn’t allowed to--not in this land. He hid his shame by insulting American beer. And I thought about stabbing him with a fork over it but didn't for good-natured reasons.
And then we told each other stories about how things were when we young. He didn't have to remember as intently as I did.
You know this title is very misleading. I thought you had finally joined the green side.
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