I descended of them, too.

My computer is currently in France. Let's hope those cheese-eating surrender monkeys take good care of it, or there will be hell to pay, so help me God.
Oh, I'm only kidding, they probably don't all eat cheese.
Well Berry sent me a transcript showing that my classes all transferred from Dalton, and my grade average is currently 3.40 (ridonkulous, I seriously need to buckle down)and also it lists the classes I am signed up for in the fall, which is a good sign. Guess that means my payment temporarily slaked their thirst for the money of poor young adults and that beast shall sleep for another month until my second payment is due. It also means they aren't tossing out those classes for my lack of meningitis shot, but I wasn't really expecting that to happen, as they offer the vaccination on campus in those first few days anyway. Hooray.
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