Sunday, July 10, 2005

Mix Nate, Paula, and Kevin and what do you get? Part 2


You didn't believe me about the pirate thing did you? Well be prepared to be amazed!

On the second day after we went out to the beach, we went by the St Augustine lighthouse. Somehow we managed to find it on the first try, no turn arounds or anything. Which is incredible. Well, at least for me it's incredible. Inside the little museum/gift shop at the front building there was this ships wheel to play with...I took one grab at it and instantly starting doing a pirate thing...and Kevin snapped the Pirate Face picture. And if that's not terrifying enough for you, try this variation on for size. I'm telling you, I am so unimaginably fantastic. Seriously.

In that little house we paid the admission fee (everything in St Augustine had admission/parking fees, but thankfully they were never more than eight dollars or so) and got our little wristbands showing we could in fact enter the grounds and go on the little nature walk over to the lighthouse proper. That was a fun little walk. The day was getting hot but it was nice and cool and misty in all those thing for Florida, lots of nice trees. We were tromping around, myself in the lead, until suddenly I pulled up short and the guys comically collided with my back. I had a very good reason to stop, though it was not immediately obvious to them. The reason I stopped is in the next photo.

What, are you having a hard time seeing that? Let me help you out there.

This huge spider had strung up a completely invisible but undoubtably enormous web across the path. I don't think I would have noticed it at all until walking right through it if I hadn't seen the spider suddenly appearing two inches in front of my nose. That gave me a nice case of the shivers, I'll tell you. Spiders don't usually bother me so much, but I do like to give them their space. And that thing had a leg span the size of my hand. I would not have enjoyed it in my hair.

After the adventures through the forest, we made it over to the lighthouse itself. That lighthouse was great. Even had the every-lighthouse spiral stripe. Awesome. The little house in the bottom had a bucket you could pick up to feel how heavy all the oil the lighthouse keeper had to carry up the stairs to the light was...and let me tell you, I never would have cut it as a lighthouse keeper. I am made of pudding. I never would have been able to carry that bucket across the grounds, let alone up all those stairs.

The stairs, in theory, were not that daunting. But there were 219 of them, and it was late June in Muggyville, USA. So that was an interesting kind of fun. But they had the same aesthetic beauty of a conch shell, so we'll forgive them. And besides, the view at the top was ridiculously gorgeous.

See the blue sky? Nice change after the previous day's rain.

Kevin spent a little time pointing this view out to us, before I used the opportunity to push him to his death.

After I reanimated Kevin's corpse (hey, what kind of friend do you think I am?) we retired to the Gypsy Cab Company for lunch, gathering nourishment that would sustain us through the next stage of our adventures.


At 7/11/2005 1:24 AM, Blogger Trevor Record said...

Holy shit, I have the same pirate hat!

At 7/11/2005 1:43 AM, Blogger Paula said...

Hot dang

I bet you did the GIS for "pirate hat", didn't you?

Further proof we are destined, destined says I, arrr


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