Mix Nate, Paula, and Kevin and what do you get? Part 1
Note from the blogger: Kevin took all these pictures, because I was on video camera detail and I only took two photos.
City of historic stuff! And useless knicknacks displaying said historical stuff!
We basically set in our minds we wanted to go to the beach, but not simply for the beach. I think Kevin posed the idea, and I pretty much just agreed and tagged along with my two guys.
We set out early (well, I consider 7:30 early, as I am a creature of the NIGHT) last Wednesday and then proceeded to spend nearly ten hours (aka way too long) in the car. I mean, there are

Most of the drive was just down I-75 through Georgia (the tallest state on EARTH), which was nice, because it's a pretty state and the roads are terrific. Somewhere along the way we got to joking about how the roads are so good in Georgia that anywhere else seems terrible--I mentioned driving up to Kentucky and being flabbergasted by the condition of I-65 (and I grew up in southern Illinois, where the only paved road outside of town was RR1, so that's really something here)-- and so somehow it got to be a joke about how the roads in Florida were made of rocks and sticks and bones, and that I-10 was The Road of Bones in particular.

Well, we survived The Road of Bones all the way to Jacksonville because we are awesome like

Of course, it was pouring. Literally, pouring. Of course.
Between the three of us squinting out the windows, peering through the torrential downpour for the road signs we somehow managed to find our way to the beachfront and our hotel. We're lucky it was on A1A. We pulled in and Nathan was brave enough to jump out of the car to go check us in. Not that it mattered, really, because Kevin and I parked and then decided we'd run inside too, a completely useless gesture. We picked up our room keys and a parking permit that let us park in the parking lot around the back, which was not so much a parking lot as it was a lake comparable to Okechobee. Seriously, I think it was Okechobee.

Kevin and I decided to brave it out to go get as much stuff out of the car as we could, but Nate decided to stay in the room and get his stuff later. He was bummed out about the weather, but Kevin and I kept reminding him that it wasn't going to rain continuously for 72 hours there on the coast, and that, really now, it was just a bit of rain, right? We ran out to the car and grabbed some bags and ran back in, and then set out to get the rest of it we couldn't carry the first time through, and I swear to God, immediately after we pulled all that stuff out of the car it stopped raining. It was like, torrential downpour, blink, nothing. Jee-zus. If we had gotten there twenty minutes later it wouldn't have mattered at all.

We ran about on the beach for a time, and I nervously picked about in the water while the boys ran amuck. I kept saying things like "look at those waves, please don't go out to far, I don't want you to drown or get eaten by a shark, watch out for jellyfish!" because I'm half-worrywart, on my mother's side. Unfortunately there were no pictures taken at this time because it was still kind of raining (more of a occasional splattering, really) and we didn't want our Precious Electronic Equipment (tm) to get damaged. After dipping in the pool for a time, and learning Nathan doesn't know how to swim (!), we decided to get something to eat. I was ravenous and getting pretty grouchy, so we looked through the phonebook to find a place that sounded good and was on A1A. We picked some place called Papagallos, but when we went to look for it, it kind of...er...wasn't there. Nathan ran into a hotel and got directions to another place called Sunset Grille, which, despite being crazy overpriced, was delicious. We all shared this artichoke, spinach, crab fondue thing (oh my lord), and then I got lobster ravioli. Oh man. That ravioli. Oh man. If Bush wasn't proposing that amendment to make marriage between a man and a woman, you'd better believe...
After that I was damn tired, because I have sleeping habits that no sane person could abide by, so I let to boys go out to run on the beach (they apparently made a very short zombie movie using the video camera and Nathan's shoe) while I took a nice hot shower and slipped into my pajamas. When the boys came back in we watched the Daily Show and then decided to call it a night. BEFORE MIDNIGHT?! GASP! We are all getting so old...

We woke up the next day and decided to make our way down to the beach to take some nice pictures, as it was clearing up from the previous evening. It was still kind of cloudy, but things were looking promising. About this time came the point when I took my two pictures, because the sea beneath blue sky and clouds is one of those things you just feel you have to take a picture of, and then later, when you look at the picture, you are always disappointed, because it never compares. Unfortunately my two little sea photos did not turn out, which is why they are not here when Kevin snapped this rather nice one.

Heads up, because in the next part, I am totally a pirate.
Road of bones is probably the greatest thing I've ever heard of, I wish I could see the face.
Fuckin' Yoda!
It has something to do with saying it like one of the peasants in Holy Grail, out the side of my mouth with my eyes bugging out of my head, looking at nothing in particular.
I bought that shirt for seven dollars.
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