I slept an hour and a half last night
Current π count: 698
I've been ridiculously happy lately for reasons as yet unclear to me. Yesterday I was eating pancakes and I was so happy about it I literally started crying and laughing at the same time. I don't know, don't ask me, they were apparently really good pancakes. Then I buttered my toast and ate all but the crust and finished my juice and then I was so full I had to grunt when I exhaled. Like that Cajun chef who used to be on PBS--you know the one, "L'il bit mo' butta, git in dat pot dere"
I think it might have something to do with the fact that I went to a very good play on Saturday, Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme, which ended up being extremely homoerotic even for a play set during wartime...but then I found out the playwrite was actually gay himself, so after that I felt it was pretty subdued, actually. Also I must consider that that most twenty-first of birthdays is soon upon me and I can then begin killing my liver as my Catholicism dictates (Wes branded my door with the title "PAPIST" in big angry black letters, and I'm waiting to see if anyone says anything)
But today I'm happy because last night about 12:30 am when I was getting frustrated on my differential geometry, there were suddenly a lot of noises coming from outside my dorm--people shouting and screaming and laughing-- and I looked outside and realized it was snowing--not stupid Georgia flurries --really honest to goodness snowing-- and I think I let out a veritable shriek of pure delight, and threw on my coat and some gloves and shoved my hat on my head and ran outside to romp in the snow with the others... and admittedly there wasn't a large accumulation of snow, this is Georgia winter we're talking about, and this Georgia winter in particular has been bad (it's back to 60 again on Wednesday) but when I was dancing around in it and catching it on my tongue last night, and when I woke up this morning to go to class, and everything was dusted and white and beautiful and sparkling, and when I thought about how I hadn't had snow-- real snow-- since I was twelve years old and that last winter in Illinois where all I wanted was a white birthday, I couldn't help but feel that it was enough, it was more than enough.
Also, here are two extremely attractive pictures of me taken by my buddy Daniel in the Math Lab.
Now I'm off to take a nap until 6, when I'm going to watch a man give a mathematical demonstration about juggling.
It snowed in Los Angeles once--according to a Steve Martin movie anyway.
("even for a play set during wartime..." is a savagely funny turn--I'm upset it's not mine.)
I smell meself a papist! Follow your nose, boys!
(Also, happy birthday.)
Hey I remember it snowing in LA in TWO Steven Martin movies, Latigo darling! Thems good odds!
Wes, you're almost half-papist you realize (and thanks)
STEVE Martin, not Steven Martin
need sleep
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