I think I know what you mean but watch what you say
Not dead, I promise...
So I was watching Conan O'Brien last night (I love that tall red-headed gangle creature with a pure affection) and I saw Rick Moranis on there promoting his new country western album. And all I could think was "Oh my god, we are all going to die." Because, you know, Rick Moranis fulfills a very important role in our society, which of course (as I'm sure you're well aware) is the role of the one who indoctrinates our children into how hilarious the consquences can be when one either dabbles in mad science or decides to mess around in the laboratory of another who dabbles in mad science , and if he's decided to give up on that in favor of country western music (albeit hilariously written, decidely geeky country western music), then, well, I pose this question for you: Who now is going to shrink and/or blow up increasingly minor characters in our most beloved sci-fi/family/comedy franchise?
So my roommate moved out at the end of last semester (nothing I did, I promise), and now I am in a deliciously private room at no extra cost to myself. Sure I live on the most inconveniently placed hall in the entire campus (fourth floor, furthest from any of the parking lots) and I admit, I was a bit miffed at first about being roped away up there in that glorified attic, but it had this unforeseen benefit of being a hall where people moved out and no one moved in. So there you have it. Private room achieved. But anyway, the point is that she took all the posters and paintings she had on her side of the room with her, so I have a very empty blank white wall going on here...so (inspired by a conversation with Habits) I decided to embark on a PROJECT.

Here is the idea: I am going to paste my walls with as much of π (the ratio, not the foodstuff) as I can before April 28th when the semester ends. So far I've put up about 300 decimal places, and it extends perhaps a fifth of the circumference of the room.

But here's the funny bit. I can print out π up to one million places. So counting that 300 goes about a fifth of the way around the room, I figured a million decimal places of π will wrap around the room 666 times. So apparently the mark of the beast is achieved through π. Who would have thought it? Leave it to me to figure something like that out.

Anyway, I don't plan on putting up a million decimal places of π. To acheive that before April 28th, I would have to put up numbers at a rate of 12,050 a day, which, let's face it, isn't gonna happen because I am extremely lazy and can only afford so much printer ink and paper. But it'll be fun nonetheless, and once I've wrapped it around a few times, I might start on that most golden of ratios φ instead.
(Also, my favorite Rick Moranis movie is definitely Space Balls. It made fun of the 80's before it was cool to make fun of the 80's.)
You are spectacular of course... not that that pays for printer ink and paper in the end.
I don't think I've ever known another person who would consider wallpapering her room in pi.
I'm not sure if that's good or not, actually, but you are certainly... special, regardless.
I was watching "Ghost Busters" last night. I was sort of wondering what Rick might be like in real life. "Country Singer" Did not cross my mind.
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