Tuesday, October 04, 2005

If I had a nickel for every damn dime I'd have half the time.

I should be typing out my proofs because I need to slip them into Ron's office before the science building closes...but what can I say? I am nothing if not an expert of putting things off a ridiculously dangerous amount of time. I am dreading getting the first part of that test back...it did not go well. It's kind of hazy seeing as how I was under the weather at the time...but I'm pretty sure it did not go well.

Mom, Dad and Elizabeth are coming down on Thursday to see the theatre here perform Godspell, and I'm supposed to be reserving tickets but it is proving harder than anticipated to get a call through to the office there...

I had an absolutely terrifying dream last night; it's been a really long time I had a truly scary one. I don't remember how it started or what it entailed, but there is an image burned into my mind, and that's the image of my Granma Vi , emaciated and sick-looking, hovering above the ground, empty glowing pits where her eyes should be, the voice erupting from her throat unlike her quiet brogue, unlike anything I ever experienced. I remember hysterical screaming and diving for cover, I remember skin splitting open, and I remember waking up and lying there thinking 'a dream, a dream, a dream', unable to move or speak or go back to sleep from the terror.

But in less disturbing news, I made an 89 on my last theatre test! Is it depressing at all that I'm disappointed with that grade?


At 10/05/2005 4:16 AM, Blogger Latigo Flint said...

You probably didn't emote enough. Apparently emoting is like a big deal and stuff in theatre.

At 10/05/2005 5:00 PM, Blogger Trevor Record said...

You worry about an 89? You're worse than my highschool girlfriend!

That was a very scary sounding dream. I haven't had a nightmare in a long, long time.


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